Ninja Soccer KIX is a vibrant 3D animated series set in the same universe as the older Ninja Soccer series. The show follows FUJI, a spunky Maegan soccer player, and her friends at Ninja Soccer Summer Camp. Using their magical powers to enhance their soccer skills, they compete against other campers and teams while learning about teamwork, friendship, and perseverance.
Designed for a younger audience, the show features colorful animation, exciting soccer matches, and positive messages. With its fast-paced action, ninja skills, and fun characters, Ninja Soccer KIX! is a delightful spin-off that kids will adore.
Unique Settings
Ninja Soccer doesn't take place on your typical soccer field. In these 5v5 matches, players must be ready to adapt to all kinds of terrain, from abandoned shipyards to dense forests to rocky mountainsides. These hidden locations aren't your typical soccer fields - they're wild, unpredictable, and full of surprises. But that's what makes Ninja Soccer so thrilling.
Every game is an adventure, and every field presents its own set of challenges. Whether you're dodging obstacles in a crumbling cityscape or leaping across rocks in a rushing river, you never know what kind of obstacles you'll face next. It's a test of skill and strategy, and it rewards those who can stay focused under pressure.
Ninja Soccer Team